Don’t Miss Out on the Ontario Trillium Benefit 2024: How to Qualify and How to Claim Your Payment

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  • The Ontario Trillium Benefit 2024 is a tax-free payment that helps low-to moderate-income Ontario residents pay for energy costs, sales and property tax.
  • The OTB combines three credits: the Northern Ontario Energy Credit, the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, and the Ontario Sales Tax Credit.
  • The OTB payments are usually issued monthly on the 10th of each month, from July to June of the next year.
  • The maximum OTB amount for the 2023 benefit year (July 2023 to June 2024) is $1,805 for singles and $2,465 for families.
  • To qualify for the OTB, you must be a resident of Ontario on December 31, 2022, and meet the income and other eligibility criteria for each credit.
  • To apply for the OTB, you must file your 2022 income tax and benefit return and complete the ON-BEN Application Form.
  • You can choose to receive your OTB payments by direct deposit or by mail.

What is the Ontario Trillium Benefit 2024?

The Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) is a tax-free payment that helps low-to moderate-income Ontario residents pay for energy costs, sales and property tax¹. It combines three existing tax credits to provide relief for Ontarians who face higher living expenses:

  • The Northern Ontario Energy Credit (NOEC) is a tax-free payment that helps with the higher home energy costs faced by Northern Ontarians living in certain regions¹.
  • The Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit (OEPTC) is a tax-free payment that helps Ontario residents with the sales tax on their energy costs and the property taxes they pay.
  • The Ontario Sales Tax Credit (OSTC) is a tax-free payment that helps Ontario residents with the sales tax they pay on goods and services.

You need to be eligible for at least one of the three credits to receive the OTB¹.

Who is Eligible for a $265 OTB Payment?

The OTB amount you receive depends on which credit(s) you qualify for and your income, family size, and residence. The maximum OTB amount for the 2023 benefit year (July 2023 to June 2024) is $1,805 for singles and $2,465 for families.

The $265 OTB payment is the maximum amount you can get from the NOEC if you are a family or a single parent living in Northern Ontario. To qualify, you must be a resident of Northern Ontario on December 31, 2022, and at least one of the following at some time before June 1, 2024:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • have or previously had a spouse or common-law partner
  • a parent who lives or previously lived with your child
  • In 2022, you:
    • rented or paid property tax for your main residence
    • lived on a reserve and paid for your home energy costs
    • lived in a public long-term care home (for example, a seniors’ home) and you paid for a portion of your accommodation

The NOEC amount is reduced by 1% of your adjusted net income exceeding $46,436 for singles or $59,704 for families.

How to Apply For the Trillium Benefit?

Each year, you must apply for the OTB by filing your personal Income Tax and Benefit Return and completing and enclosing the ON-BEN Application Form included in your tax return package¹. You must file your tax return even if you don’t have any income to report.

If you forget to include the ON-BEN with your tax return, you may file an adjustment to your return via CRA My Account or by mail³.

If you are not able to complete the form online, you can contact the TDP at 416-642-3038 (Toronto area) or 1-800-575-5386 (outside Toronto) for a paper version of this form.

OTB Payment Methods

You can choose to receive your OTB payment by direct deposit or by mail¹. If you already get your income tax refund or other benefits or credits by direct deposit, you will also get your OTB payments by direct deposit⁵. Otherwise, you will get your payments by cheque⁵.

You can also choose to get your OTB in one payment this year rather than monthly. If you choose to get your OTB in one payment this year, and your annual entitlement is over $360, it will be issued in one payment at the end of the benefit year on June 10, 2024. If your OTB annual entitlement is $360 or less, it will be issued in one lump-sum payment in the first payment month (usually July).

To make this choice, you must complete the ON-BEN Application Form and check the box in Part 2, Section A, Line 6110. The deadline for choosing to get your OTB in one payment is December 23, 2023.


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